
Top Health Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil, a therapeutic oil derived from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, has been used for thousands of years in many diverse cultures and civilizations for its powerful medicinal and cosmetic qualities. Its rich history spans millennia, with notable mentions in ancient Egyptian scrolls, the Old testament and Ayurvedic texts from India. The most common conventional usage of Castor oil is that of an oral laxative but this is actually the only use I do NOT recommend it for. I primarily recommend Castor oil for topical usage. Castor oil has been studied to:

Natural Treatment Options for Depression

During the Holiday season the sun drops away and many people experience symptoms of seasonal depression. it is always important to have your depression symptoms diagnosed and managed by a qualified health care practitioner. The following is a list of my favorite go-to treatment options for depression that I like to try with patients before perusing more aggressive pharmaceutical options as a last resort.  

The Adrenal Glands: Masters of Stress Management

The adrenals are 2 tiny glands that sit on top of the kidneys and pack a powerful punch. They are the main engines of stress management in the body. They also manage blood sugar, produce sex hormones, manage blood pressure and affect salt and water metabolism.

Top 10 Ways To Support Your Thyroid Naturally

Top 10 Ways To Support Your Thyroid Naturally

The Thyroid is the master gland that is responsible for energy metabolism in every single cell of the body. It manages temperature fluctuations (kind of like an internal thermostat), weight fluctuations, energy, skin, hair, bowel health, heart beat, neurological and brain function, as well as coordinating the creation and function of all the other hormones of the body.