What is a detox warrior?
A Detox Warrior is someone who understands the critical value that supporting detoxification has for overall health, wellbeing and longevity. They are passionate about avoiding, eliminating and removing all toxicity in their lives (physical, emotional and spiritual). They understand that periodic detox support throughout the year to help remove the accumulating burden of toxicity in their bodies is the best way to achieve long term health and wellness.
Having worked with chronically ill patients in my practice I know how magical and life changing detoxification can be at reversing chronic disease. The body is designed to heal and be well. In all it’s miraculous glory the body is always seeking health and wellness. It is when blocks to that wellness are present that disease and degeneration set in. One of the biggest blocks to health in our world is the growing toxic burden of our environment. By toxicity I am referring not only to industrial pollutants, chemicals and heavy metals but also to biotoxins (from chronic bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections) as well as mental, emotional and energetic toxins that affect the healthy functioning of our bodies. By eliminating the body’s toxic burden we can help the body re-establish self-regulation and self-management. By removing the body’s biggest obstacle to cure we can reverse chronic disease, strengthen the body and prevent chronic disease in the future.
Below you will find resources, courses and products that I have seen have the greatest impact at supporting detoxification in the body.