
Why Am I So Bloated?-Top 12 Most Common Causes and Solutions

Bloating is a very common clinical complaint that we naturopathic doctors see in functional medicine practice. Its manifestations are varied and having a skilled understanding of all the potential root causes is key to successful treatment. Most conventional doctors overlook the varied potential causes of this common symptom and treat symptomatically. Finding a skilled practitioner well versed in functional gastroenterology is essential for proper resolution of this uncomfortable symptom.

Top 10 Ways To Support Your Thyroid Naturally

Top 10 Ways To Support Your Thyroid Naturally

The Thyroid is the master gland that is responsible for energy metabolism in every single cell of the body. It manages temperature fluctuations (kind of like an internal thermostat), weight fluctuations, energy, skin, hair, bowel health, heart beat, neurological and brain function, as well as coordinating the creation and function of all the other hormones of the body.